Kids Clinic Participant Info:
Pre-K - 3rd Grade Group: Perform May 12th.
4th - 8th Grade Group: Perform May 13th.
Schedule: (Your Day of Performance)...6:15pm Meet in the Theatre classroom to pick up dance clinic t-shirt and review dance with Tex-Anns instructors. Performers need to wear black shorts or black pants and the clinic shirt for the performance and put hair in a ponytail or pinned out of face. After you drop them off, parents may go purchase a ticket fot the show and find a seat. Tickets are $8 for the show. After your child performs, please come to the lobby to retrieve them from one of the Tex-Anns so they can sit with you for the remainder of the show.
**If you do not attend the performance, clinic t-shirts will be ready for you to pick up in the CHS dance studio from 8:00am - 3:00pm after May 15 during any regular school day.