Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)
Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) is an open-enrollment program that provides students with work-based education. P-TECH programs:
- Provide students grade 9 through 12 the opportunity to complete a course of study that combines high school and post-secondary courses.
- Enable students to earn a high school diploma, along with an associate degree, Level 1 or Level 2 certificate, or industry-based certification within six years.
- Allow students to gain work experience through an internship, apprenticeship, or other job training programs.
- Partner with Texas institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and regional businesses and industries, giving students access to post-secondary education and workforce training opportunities.
Ready to apply? Head on over to P-TECH Application page!
Want to see what classes students take in the P-TECH program? Check out the Crosswalk Curriculum.