Crockett Continuous Learning Schedule


Below is the schedule for Crockett students starting Monday April 6.


The periods listed in the Google Doc link at the bottom of the page will be live study group times where students may connect as a community, gain clarity about the week's expectations and get questions answered.

  • Teachers will provide a live study group for each of their periods during the time listed at least once per week. For example, period 1 could meet Monday OR Wednesday at 11:00 OR Monday and Wednesday at 11:00. 
  • Please refer to your teacher's BLEND course on when they will be meeting, instructions for how to join the study group, and for assignments.
  • We will also be sending out a master schedule that lists all teachers' availability and live group study times.
  • Attendance during the period time is encouraged, but not required if your child is unavailable. The learning will be able to be completed without attendance during this period time.

At this time, we are still waiting on the district to finalize the grading policy. We will send out the policy as soon as the Austin ISD Board of Trustees has approved it.

If your child's circumstances allow it, please make sure your child is regularly checking their email and logging onto BLEND. Your student's emotional, mental and physical safety are a priority for us during this time. This work comes secondary to making sure you and your child are safe and healthy.