Cougar News
The latest data points showing AVID's Impact on the Crockett Campus
Below is an Infographic with scorecard-aligned data points showing the impact the AVID Program is having on the Crockett Campus.
Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - February 2022
Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (January 2022)
Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - January 2022
Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (January 2022)
Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - December 2021
Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (December 2021)
Crockett ECHS Fall Final Exam Week Schedule (UPDATED)
Monday December 13 - 'C' Day (Students report to all 8 classes - 45 min. each) Tuesday December 14 - Period 5 Final (9:05am - 11:15am); Period 6 Final (11:25am-1:35pm) early release
Crockett ECHS Fall Final Exam Policy 2021-22
Crockett Early College High School Final Exam Policy 21-22 Final Exams are worth 20% of the Semester Average.
Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - October 2021
Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (October 2021)
Upcoming Pfizer Vaccine Clinics
Pfizer Vaccine Clinics are planned for the following dates/times: OCTOBER 13 - 4:00pm - 8:00pm NOVEMBER 3 - 4:00pm - 8:00pm DECEMBER 1 - 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Back to School Night - Thursday September 9, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
For More Information Use Link Below:
Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - September 2021
Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (September 2021)
BSN Sideline Store (School Store) opens Friday Sept. 3
During the month of September The BSN Sideline Store will be offering 25% off as a Grand Opening Promotion! This is a place where you can shop for a variety of products year round, and you can personalize them to fit what interests you most!
Covid Clinic at Crockett High School - Wednesday Sept. 1
We will be having vaccine clinics on Wednesdays every three weeks at the Crockett Cafeteria from 4:00-8:00. We will have our first one tonight.