Cougar News

Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - February 2021

Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (February 2021)

Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - January 2021

Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (January 2021)

Crockett Family Showcase Saturday 1/23/21 11:00am

Families are encouraged to tune in to Saturday's Family Showcase to learn about Crockett's educational programs and meet with Counselors and Teachers in a virtual setting. See link below for more info:

AISD to Provide Free Meals During Holiday Break

AISD will partner with the Central Texas Food Bank to provide access to healthy food while campuses are closed for the winter break.

Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - December 2020

Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (December 2020)

Parent Survey- Instructional Model Preference (CLOSES SEPT 25)

Your voice is always valuable to us, and especially now as the district continues working through reopening campuses for the 2020–21 school year. Below is a link to the final, short survey that asks your instructional model preference for your student(s) starting on October 6. 

Austin ISD: Open for Learning — A Day in the Life

It is important that our families understand the many security practices we have implemented to prepare to resume some in-person instruction starting October 5.

Participate in the Hispanic Heritage Virtual Talent Show!

Students can submit entries through Oct. 12. Awards Ceremony will be broadcast Oct. 15. Guidelines: Must be an AISD student (Pre-K-12). You may participate with your family! Submit videos or photos celebrating Hispanic culture (English or Spanish).


?Welcome Back Crockett Cougars!? Happy First Day of School! Tuesday is a B Day. Follow the steps below to begin school year 20-21:

Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - September 2020

Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (September 2020)

Crockett Cougar Chatter Newsletter - August 2020

Click the link below to access the latest news from Crockett High School (August 2020

Sept. 8 Start of School

8/7/2020 Dear Austin ISD Family,  Early this morning, the Austin ISD Board of Trustees approved a revised school calendar which reflects students’ first day as September 8.