Auto Body

Energy, Power & Transporation

Auto Body at CrockettThe purpose of this course entitled Introduction to Transportation Services is to give the student entry level training in the four basic ASE areas of
automotive training. It will cover most areas of the Auto Collision Repair Industry so that students can have enough information to make a decision about the second year course: Auto Collision I and II or Auto Tech I and II. It will cover a rigorous amount of SAFETY procedures at the work place.

Auto Body 1

The purpose of this course entitled Auto Collision I and II is to build skills and experiences of the previous prerequisite Energy Power and Transportation course. This is the first year of collision repair. We will focus on basic sheet metal repair, tool usage and identification, minor dent repair, trim and hardware, non-instructional panel replacement and a rigorous amount of SAFETY at the work place.

The training will be divided between classroom theory, lab modules and hands on training using shop vehicles to reinforce what we learned in the classroom and lab.

Advanced Auto Body

 The purpose of this course entitled Auto Collision I and II is to build skills and experiences of the previous prerequisite Energy Power and Transportation course. This is the first year of collision repair. We will focus on basic sheet metal repair, tool usage and identification, minor dent repair, trim and hardware, non-instructional panel replacement and a rigorous amount of SAFETY at the work place.

The training will be divided between classroom theory, lab modules and hands on training using shop vehicles to reinforce what we learned in the classroom and lab.


Oscar Trevino - Auto Body InstructorOscar Trevino, instructor

ph. 512-414-2532 ext. 72015
